Saturday, 14 January 2012

Goodbye Central Market

Mercado Central, like we call the main market here, is the place I probably like most in town - but it's the one I think I'll miss less. ;-)

I usually go to Mercado Central due to the best value of foods and ingredients.

But I must confess, I feel a immense pleasure in inhaling the smell of spices and discovering new herbs. Contrary to the popular belief, traditional dishes of my land have a very mild flavour - and the everyday's ones have garlic as their main seasoning.

But Mercado Central offers many other things than food. Ones are usefull... 

 ... and others useless ... 

... although very nice, anyway!

And this is my favourite section: cheeeeeeese! Lots of Queijo Minas (a particular cheese from here).

On my farwell visit, I even went to the animal's section, which I usually hate passing by - it has a horrible smell and the treatment of the poor creatures aren't the best... 

I'm sorry for the bad quality of the pics. For one, I was very shy, because lots of people were staring at me, like it was something very odd (and indeed it isn't very common to have someone taking pics there). Then, I'm not a talented person in taking photos. Photography isn't my thing, you know. ;-)

If you want to have a look at other pics of Mercado Central, visit HERE.

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