Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Lent Journal 7

This is the Miserere Mei, or "Have mercy upon me", or Psalm 51. In the Ash Wednesday service, this is read or sung after the ashen cross is marked on the believers' forehead.

During the Lent period, we don't sing the "Gloria" (Gloria in excelsis Deo, or glory to God in the highest), which normally would be sung after the "Absolution of  Sins". In case you are still asking yourself, what the heck this is, these are parts of the liturgy of the Churches. In both Lutheran and Episcopal rites, it is usually done like this (in a very summarized form and not taking into account possible variations):

1 - The congregation is greeted;
2 - The congregation confess their sins collectively (Confession);
3 - The Miserere follows;
4 - The Absolution of Sins is given;
5 - The Gloria follows.

Enjoy the music. May it speak to your heart and to your passions! =)

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